SPECIAL NOTES FOR FAMILIES: Chapter 1. It is not so frequent as with the other demographic groups but often I have request from parents with children. Nothing very special, but I have to specify a few things about the age of "children": 0 to 12: I accept only if traveling with parents or grandparents. Send me a request normally, when I ask about children, parents may answer for them. 12 to 14: Accept only if traveling with parents, grandparents or elder (>18) brother/sisters. Send a normal request, but I ask that the child is direcly answering for his/her personal questions. 14 to 16: they can send a request on their own if traveling alone; If traveling with elder brother/sister or parents/grandparents a cumulative request is accepted, but I ask that they answer personally to the personal questions and have all their contacts. 16 to 18: they are considered adult at all effect, so they shold send a personal request on their own. 18+ ... you are still calling them your children ? Of course, as in usual request one can send a request for all the group, giving contact for everyone in the group, but in any case I will consider a request for parents and their 16+ offsprings as two separate ones, so it is possible that I can tell you that I will accept only the young or the old people. In general I will not leave reference to a parent/child group that sent a cumulative request unless all children are under 14 or each one has personal account. Chapter 2. (only for families with children under 12): I have had from this group of people recurring requests to have special times for leaving and/or coming home or when to have meals meals: I try to make best arrangement for them, but also who come here must be aware of having not to interfer too much with other's people activities: in general I am quite tolerant if people ask to sleep longer, so it could be easy to allow leaving late in the morning, but it is not not always possible to allow an early arrival in the afternoon [say before 1840, and this must be arranged a few days in advance] and very, very unlikely I allow people to come back at lunch time. Dinner in general is at 21:10 , can be later but not much earlier. If you have special requirements just ask... I can see if it possible to find an agreement, but do not take it for sure.